If I had to pick a word for 2013 mine would probably be "Finish".
Looking back over 2012 I realized that I started a ton of things... and then never finished them. When I came to that realization I decided that in this new year I was going to make a point to
finish all the projects in my WIP pile. I of course have many other resolutions but this is a big one for me in regards to my sewing and quilting. I've even gone a step further and decided that until I've either finished all my WIPs or scrapped them permanently I will start
no new projects. The exception, of course, is stuff for the baby and gifts for birthdays and showers.... and curves class stuff (since I already paid for it).... and previous commitments like Stash Bee and do. good stitches blocks.
I know, I know, that's a lot of exceptions, but if you think about it it's still very limiting. For example, I'm not able to jump on the trend and do any
Scrappy Trip Around the World blocks, and I'm not able to do the
Starburst quilt qal.
Since I'm making the commitment to finish my projects I thought I'd go ahead and get something out of it (hey- why not? I'm already doing all the work), so I'm joining up with the
2013 Finish-a-Long with
Leanne from She Can Quilt.
My list of WIPs is pretty atrocious, but here we go:
1. Repair Deacon Rick's Vestments (I currently need to cut new panels and then sew them in)
2. Finish sewing Steve's bookshelves (need to surge the edges and then make the fold-over pockets for the rods to go through)
3. Sew Heike's dirndl (currently only cut out) (and can't find to take pics of-- eek!!)
4. Finish Mario blocks and turn into quilt
5. Do something with Polaroid blocks
6. Quilt Christmas tablerunners
7. Turn Stash Bee house blocks into quilt
8. Turn 12 days of Christmas blocks into quilt
9. Finish Solstice Stars blocks and turn into quilt (3 blocks finished, only 2 to go!)
10. Finish Sew Happy Geek QAL blocks and turn into quilt (I think 7 blocks are finished)
11. Quilt and bind "be Creative" wallhanging
12. Surge napkins
13. Turn Buhler's blocks into baby quilt (only have 6 blocks so far)
14. Finish Harriet's quilt blocks turn into quilt (applique on all blocks complete, but need to add some detail, then sash, border, sandwich, quilt & bind)(pic is just of the sashing, the blocks were tucked away and I didn't want to pull them out)
15. Finish brown and blue purse (need to attach hardware)
16. Bind red & black potholders
17. Sew green skirt (currently only cut out)
And I know these don't count for the finish-a-long, but each month I want to get all my bee blocks finished and mailed ON TIME.
Oh, and while we're talking about resolutions and stuff, I'd like to start using my stash more. When I do need to start a new project I plan to try and use fabrics out of my stash and not just go out and purchase new fabric.
Okay, here we go. Wish me luck!
(p.s. I plan on posting pictures of Christmas finishes soon. Another resolution: blog about ALL my finishes)